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Help NHS Patients Feel Less Isolated This Christmas

20th Nov 2020
This afternoon I felt like I would pay someone a million pounds to take me off the ward, but tonight it all happened for free. To be able to come along in my hospital bed, see such an interesting drama, and meet lovely people - what a wonderful, magical evening!

Patient, Gerard.

2020 has been a hell of a year for us all. But for hospital patients like Gerard, the isolation and loneliness has been intensified with few or no visitors allowed.


While Christmas isn’t going to be the same for any of us, it will be even harder for patients.


We all know how comforting it can be to cosy up on the sofa to watch a film, especially over this period. So imagine if you had a loved one on their own in hospital who could be wheeled from their ward into a cinema…


MediCinema can take patients, in a hospital bed or wheelchair, to experience the escapism and power of a movie in one of our cinemas.


Please DONATE today


We know it helps patients feel less isolated, less anxious and less stressed.  If you can, please help NHS patients feel better with film this Christmas.